Strikeforce morituri comic book value

Strikeforce morituri was an intriguing 19861989 marvel series, taking place in its own universe. Electric undertow, ran from december, 1989 to march, 1990, but that was the end of it. Comics in exceptional condition fall into this category. Electric undertow no so far in the future, earth would be invaded by the malevolent alien horde. Morituri is a comic book series published by marvel comics from 1986 to 1989. Cocreators gillis and anderson left the series with issue 20, and the comic was canceled with issue 31. A seminal alternative comic book comic tropes episode 15. Hudnall shifted the tone from a characterdriven war story to a. Undergoing the morituri process, each member were given superpowers but at the cost of them only.

Gillis born december 19, 1952 is an american comic book writer best known for his work at marvel comics and first comics in the mid1980s, including the series strikeforce. It is worth noting that the timing of the strikeforce reprint makes it appear. But the welcome may be very shortlived, because the governments secret antimorituri force is planning to make instant martyrs of the whole strikeforce. Strikeforce morituri tp vol 01 a savage alien race called the horde has invaded earth, enslaving its people and plundering its resourcesscientists have devised a method. Morituri are lost one by one either killed in battle or violent infighting, or perishing from the morituri effect itself a group of scientists. Scanner strikeforce morituri marvel comics character. Radian louis armanetti was created by writer peter b. Brent made a real splash when he did the art on a kazar series in 1981 but this was a bit of a let down and fizzle out of his popularity i think. They changed it, now it sucks many fans felt that the series went downhill after peter gillis was replaced by james hudnall.

Read more for grading details for this strikeforce. Vyking strikeforce morituri marvel comics character. Originally, the new universe was supposed to consist of highprofile titles like. While the project wasnt that popular with the comic bookbuying public, it was even lessso inside the marvel bullpen. The people who undergo the morituri process and become members of strikeforce. It was published by marvel comics from 1986 to 1989 the series starts off in the year 2072, with earth suffering under an alien invasion by the horde, a race of barbarian planet looters who plunder inhabited worlds for supplies, equipment, technology, and sport.

An additional fiveissue miniseries, strikeforce morituri. Gillis and artist brent anderson and debuted in strikeforce. Now, a handful of brave voulenteers make up strikeforce. It was published by marvel comics from 1986 to 1989 the series starts off in the year. Whether you are an avid comic collector, a repeat offender one who once collected but fell by the. Its morituri versus morituri in the most devastating manhunt the earth of the future has seen. But the welcome may be very shortlived, because the governments secret anti morituri force is planning to make instant martyrs of the whole strikeforce. Published on january 6, 2020, by jproscoe posted in bookscomics, marvel 0. Morituri appeared in another series entitled electric undertow. Check out individual issues, and find out how to read them. Strikeforce morituri electric undertow 1989 comic books. Ten years have passed since the horde was eliminated and the world government collapsed. A scientist discovers a process which can provide humans with superhuman powers, effectively creating a. The comic book price guide for great britain strikeforce.

Morituri is absolutely a hidden gem of a comic book. Morituri was a sciencefiction comic book series created by peter b. Strikeforce morituri 017 1988 viewcomic reading comics. Morituri qualify as superheroes under the definition that dr. If this website makes you happy, please donate a little of your income to keep alive. Gillis and artist brent anderson the premise is that aliens have invaded earth and nearly succeeded in conquering it and stripping it of its resources. Strikeforce morituri were a superhuman team opposing alien invaders in the notso distant future.

It was a military scifi saga, centred on superhuman soldiers fighting to repel alien invaders who very nearly. Sadly, i could only collect some of the earlier issues and then the comic book stores. Peter coogan established in his groundbreaking book. Strikeforce morituri tp vol 02 as the first generations of strikeforce. A new legal conflict brewing over strikeforce morituri between.

Morituri was a comic book series published by marvel comics from 1986 to 1989. Im actually kind of surprised this book has maintained value. I cant recommend it enough, or at least the bits with gillis, anderson, and williams as the creative team. In 2002, marvel comics and the scifi channel announced a. It was a military scifi saga, centred on superhuman soldiers fighting to repel alien invaders who very.

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